
I mentioned in my earlier blog New Ideas that I was going to start giving some new thing a go. So I’ve made my first cushion! There are definitely a few things that need to be tweaked, I made the cushion cover slightly to small for the size cushion. A rooky mistake! As you can see from the photo, the IMG_0876back doesn’t quite meet – quite an important part!

I chose to make an envelope back cushion, with french seams which I made completely by hand. I used patchwork squares for the front, using a border of green squares around the edge. I recently made a woodland themed quilt for a giveaway winner on my Facebook page, so I took inspiration from that and continued it on with the cushion. I also used interface on the fabric to give it a thicker, more luxurious feel.

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Remembrance Poppy

We finally received our Remembrance day poppies from the Tower of London. To be honest, it had been so long, I’d completely forgotten about them!

I ordered 2 at the same time (one for my mum and one for my brother) quite early on, and then my sister bought one to be sent to us separately about a month or so later. I was a bit peeved that we had to pay twice for p&p costs but I understood that they would be sent out separately and would need to be well packaged on their own. They were indeed well packaged – actually very well.

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New Year, New Blog

It’s 2015 and I’m trying to start the year as I aim to carry on, blogging more! To make sure that you’re not getting bored of the random posts, I’ve set up a new blog to keep the health/EDS related posts out of the way of the more quilt/craft related ones. So, if you’ve come by this blog as a result of the EDS posts, maybe hop on over to Quilty as Sin Does EDS and follow me on there.

As always, you can find me on my Facebook page. I’m also trying to transfer posts to the other blog, so stay with me while there may be one or two technical issues, turns out I’m even worse at technology than I had thought!!